Resources to Touch the Nations

Located in Picturesque Nashville, Tennessee, The First Century Faith Academy is a non-profit ministry dedicated to encouraging and contributing to reaching nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We hope to share healthy business principles for economic maintenance; create an atmosphere of shared ministry which may serve to challenge the saints toward greater intimacy with God; and to provide exposure to artistic forms of expression for greater attractiveness in outreach.  All of this from the viewpoint of the teachings and practice of our Messiah Yahusha Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) and that of His followers as recorded in the Four Gospels and the Book of Acts.

We seek to implement three separate venues in capturing the First Century spirit of creative inspiration through God-given ingenuity and faith. We continue to pray our contributions will serve our friends and touch a world desperate for healing.

1) Share Businesses Principles that Promote Excellence in Product and/or Service Toward Market Favorability and Financial Maintenance.

2) Share Resources with Businesses and Ministries which Desire to Promote Christian Discipleship through Faith Relationships.

3) Incorporate the Arts in Creating an Atmosphere for Inspiration, Reflection, Prayer, Worship and Study.

We seek the Manifest Glory of God in an Abundant, Victorious and Integrated Life in Jesus!


The business forum can cover from name selection and logo design through definitive analysis, commercial organizational structures and operational systems, capital funding and financial administration, value propositioning, consumer statistics, salesmanship and marketing, expansion through diversification or ancillary business, and culminate in franchising options.

The ministry forum will include evangelism, discipleship, bible-study methods, small group concepts, organizational models
(church planting and foundation development) along with leadership orientation and mentoring, message construction, public speaking, counseling and consulting resources and methods, building acquisition and physical plant design.

The Artistic Expression forum could provide for Music (vocal and instrumental along with basic theory and contemporary composition); Art (form, structure, design)in two marketable media; Drama (short performances); Writing (poetry and prose); Cooking Basics and Languages if so inclined (five from which to choose - Italian, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish).


First Century Faith will begin a series of teachings to cover an eight month period on the resources God gives us to walk in power and authority with and through Him. It will be a lecture series with notes. We anticipate beginning it in the new year with great joy. Stay tuned. The program traverses from the basics of relationship with God in its first lectures through hermeneutical study of I Thessalonians from the Hebrew and Greek in its last.

Intense but Fun! Do you get bored easily and feel frustrated with the slowness of your growth? Have you sometimes thought how marvelous it would be to know the Scriptures really well? If you want more and more of God and the knowledge of His kingdom then this is the program for you. Lots of information made simple to grasp but always challenging.

Immediately after the basics are covered as a foundation of faith, we will proceed with appropriating, activating and applying the Power of the Word; the the Power of Prayer; the Power of Fellowship; the Power of Lordship; the Power of Giving; the Power of Outreach and the Power of Position. Get ready! This study program promises to leave the hungry heart dazzled by the brilliance of God's majestic presence in each one of us as identity and destiny are brought forth.

Be released and empowered for a greater experience of faith and power among God's people and a vital and vibrant labor of love among those who have yet to come to the knowledge of God in Christ Jesus. Learn to live in the miraculous as we understand and take hold of our completeness in Christ.

"The mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations, has now been manifested to His saints, to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ."  Colossians 1:26-28

Salvation, Healing and Deliverance Ministries

"Contagious Freedom™" is the counseling branch of our ministry which networks and provides resources that offer salvation, healing and deliverance from the maladies associated with spiritual and social misconceptions or activities that often trigger negative emotional responses.

It is our desire that the information and materials available here will lead you to a life filled with joy inexpressable as you discover truths that adjust belief systems which have brought hurt and heartache instead of liberty from life's disruptions caused by issues or memories of the past. It's time to be free. Step into the Joy!

Note: Clicking the Graphic Above Will Redirect You to that Website.

Understand the Roots of Our Faith in Jesus

The HaYesod program is composed of ten compelling lessons that explore the foundational truths of the entire Word of God from a Hebraic perspective. Lessons are taught from locations throughout the land of Israel as well as from a studio setting. Students will experience a unique, messianic-yeshiva learning experience and will fall in love with the land of Israel through several visual tours to the Land. The current series schedule appears below.

Open Arms and Open Heart
Welcome introduction to the materials and lesson plan of HaYesod and a time for fellowship, fun and prayer. Bring a covered dish to share and just expect to feel at home as we meet our co-travelers and share our journey together. Prepare for lots of laughter, grace, good food, openness and all around blessing.
Our Foundation—His Torah
An introduction to the concept of Torah, the five books of Moses. Session One teaches students that Torah means "instruction." It is God's loving instruction for his people—the wedding vows of the sacred marriage between God and his people.
Our Birthright—His Salvation
When we become believers in Yeshua, we receive a new identity. We receive the righteousness of Messiah through his salvation. Now we have a responsibility to live it out. Session Two explores the practical implications of being a new creation in Messiah.
Our Connection—His Covenants
The Bible is the story of a series of covenants. New covenants do not cancel previous covenants; they build on top of one another. Session Three gives students an overview of the biblical covenants to see how everything fits together.
Our Rabbi—His Teachings
It is one thing to know Yeshua as savior; it is something else to know him as teacher. Session Four introduces students to the Torah teacher, Rabbi Yeshua of Nazareth, in his first century Jewish context. Discover the Jewish background to the Gospels and the Torah teachings of Yeshua.
Our Call—His Yoke
What does it mean to be a disciple? Session Five brings students back to a first-century Jewish understanding of discipleship. Find out why keeping Torah and discipleship to Yeshua are inseparable.
Our Identity—His Apostle
What about the Apostle Paul? Did he convert to Christianity and forsake Torah? Did Paul teach against keeping Torah? Session Six introduces students to Paul, the misunderstood man, and the major issues that defined his mission.
Our Mail—His Letters
The letters of Paul can be hard to understand. On the surface, some passages sound like they are anti-Torah. Session Seven clarifies several key passages in Paul's epistles by placing them back into their original context.
Our Calendar—His Appointments
The Torah spells out appointed times for meeting with God: times of prayer, holy days, and sacred festivals. Are these relevant for believers? Session Eight gives students a quick overview of the biblical calendar.
Our Boundaries—His Commandments
The commandments of Torah are not burdensome or beyond our reach. Session Nine demonstrates the simple wisdom of living according to God's instructions by highlighting a few sample commandments.
Our Walk—His Path
Are you ready to take hold of your rich biblical inheritance? Torah is for all of God's people. Session Ten explores the relationship of Christianity and Judaism while revealing the place of the believer in the midst of the people of Israel.

Graduation Ceremony - Celebration Award Banquet
Celebration for the accomplishment of the course; the gaining of wisdom and understanding in the Jewish foundation of Christian faith; and the opportunity to further study and become a HaYesod group leader in your community, congregation or church fellowship.

First Century Faith launches The JoDa Initiative connecting to Israel and the Hebrew foundation of our Christian faith. We seek to explore the ancient paths (Jeremiah 6:16); the characteristics, behavior and actions of the first century church that our generation may understand the amazing seasons and the times in which we presently find ourselves. Hallelujah!!!


There are so many worthwhile books being written in this present season we thought we would faciliate the sharing of concepts and principles by engaging in a book club where we can all be on the same page.  Coming soon and beginning on the first Monday of the month and thereafter, we will be meeting at one of our ministry homes to discuss one chapter per week of the club inspirational selection.

We will begin with Dr. Robert D. Heidler's book, "The Messianic Church Arising" which will take us through fifteen weeks of sharing and discovery.  Books being considered for thereafter are "Developing a Supernatural Lifestyle" by Kris Valloton; "The Signature of Jesus" by Brennan Manning; "The Seven Mountain Prophecy" by Johnny Enlow; and "Seeing What is Sacred" by Ken Gire.

We live in the most exciting of days in human history. Jesus is preparing His Bride! The Spirit of God is restoring the covenant roots of His Church! The Church is rising up in power and glory we have not witnessed since the first century. The Lord is inviting us to be part of that restoration. In this book, we will discover and share together:

The secret of the early Church's power; How God's plan for restoration operates in the earth-realm; How to access the lost riches of God's covenant blessing; How to recover God's plan for rest and refreshing in your life; How to enter into a life of increase through the Biblical feasts; How your church can experience God's power and Presence in true revival; How you are grafted into God's life-giving plan; What the Body of Christ will look like in the future; and the historical Cycles of God.

Restore your lost inheritance! Once we understand the root into which we are grafted, the power of the Life is released in us.  We will bear fruit!  Get Ready and Enjoy!

"Bringing Every Child's Heart a Home"

The Director of First Century Faith had the blessed good fortune to meet with representatives of WorldVision, the largest relief organization on the planet. They have a child sponsorship program that provides for the physical, spiritual, educational and emotional needs of children. We discussed with them a plan or program that we consider might generate 50,000 sponsorships. After several meetings and extensive discussion with their management team, department heads and legal counsel, WorldVision said YES!

Probity Real Estate® and NorthStar Life Management™ have developed and donated to First Century Faith the business curriculum it will exchange for child sponsorship donations of members of The National Association of REALTORS®. We have developed 18 month correspondence systems to be employed by every sponsor which introduces the life of God to each child, family and community. WorldVision will donate business items, marketing materials, recorded worship music (donated by Hit Song Records™)and partner financially with International Renaissance House as sponsorship grows increasing our future outreach exponentially.

They will further partner with RealtyKids™ by providing an autolink website from ours to theirs where our network can sponsor children by any multitude of selection criterion. They will also provide additional incentives to our specific targeted sponsors that will not only encourage sponsorship but ensure that those sponsors and children whose needs are met through our program receive various tools in bringing the life of God to them and their friends, families, translators, teachers and community fellows.

We are praying diligently to particpate in setting in motion a wave that with God's grace might help put a dent in child hunger and illiteracy throughout the globe. Please pray with us to that end!

Exercise in Body, Soul and Spirit!

First Century Faith hosts Dancing with God, a brief inspirational study on living in the joy of the Lord followed by Salsa Dance Instruction. If you want an easy way to lose weight, have fun, listen to great music and fellowship with outstanding saints, come join us.  We have access to a beautiful dance studio in Bellevue, Tennessee, directly across from our academy.

Saturday nights from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. "Rueda"